Sunday, June 26, 2011

Maintaining Relationships

Maintaining relationships of any kind in college and after college can be difficult. With technology today, you would think it would make things easier: FaceTime with your mom, texting your boyfriend, Facebooking your best friend...the list goes on. However, technology makes things harder for a lot of people. Mom won't be able to give you a hug on a bad day. You will miss your boyfriend's voice. You'll miss those silly moments with your best friend. It's important to manage your time well so that you can spend time with those people that mean the most to you and not get behind on school work. College is about working hard to ensure a happy, successful future, but it's also about having fun with the people that mean the most to you.

Just when you settled into a comfortable routine of maintaining relationships from home, you're about ready to graduate. After graduating, you miss the people you became friends with at school. It's important to keep in touch with professors that helped you throughout school. As a recent graduate from La Roche, there are several professors I want to keep in contact with. One of the best ways to do this is by email since I live about 45 minutes away from school. There are several professors that are curious about what I'm up to since I was lucky enough to find a job right before I graduated. It also pays to keep in touch with professors if you're having a hard time finding a job. This is especially applicable with majors that rely on networking to get jobs, such as graphic design. Many of my professors started to recommend people in my graduating class for jobs in the spring semester. Of course, it's not just professors that you want to keep in touch with from college. I have both a friend and a boyfriend an hour or so away from where I live, in opposite directions. Worse yet, they have opposite work schedules.

Being busy is a thing that happens naturally and when you get busy, people tend to drift apart. There is such a thing as balance and it's important to use college to start to find it before you get even busier upon graduation. Remember to keep in touch!!

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