Sunday, July 3, 2011

Getting Involved

Getting involved is an important thing to do while you're in college. La Roche has many different clubs and activities to help you be involved. La Roche also makes it pretty easy to start your own club based on your own interests. It's almost impossible to get through college at La Roche without being involved in at least one thing.

After college and even during the summers it's harder to stay involved. While you can stay inside all day and play video games, it's not advised. When you have a full-time job, you very well may come home from work and be absolutely exhausted. You might be very inclined to sit down and watch tv all evening after you get home. I'm in this predicament right now. I hate to waste time but at the same time, I'm worn out at the end of a long day. This makes me realize that I need to get involved. There are opportunities's just a matter of finding them. My local library has a program called Chicks With Sticks which is a knitting group. Other places to look for social opportunities are churches, hospitals, soup kitchens, humane societies, nursing homes, girl or boy scouting, Habitat for Humanity and community centers. It can be very rewarding to be involved and it also gives you something to do.

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