Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Portfolio Show Follow-Up

The Graphic and Interior Design Portfolio Show was held April 13 at the Steel Building in Pittsburgh. Both of these majors are required to make a portfolio of their work before graduation. These portfolios are then taken to interviews and shown as a demonstration of skills. Many professionals from both disciplines are invited to the portfolio show. The professors hope that this show will be a good opportunity for networking and potential jobs.

I think we all worked very hard to get to the milestone of the portfolio show. It was a long road of choosing our best works and revising them to make them even better. It meant countless dollars spent, countless nights staying up late, and countless cups of coffee. In the end though, I can say it definitely paid off. The portfolio show was a great success and there were several potential employers there to look at our books. All the students were set up with half of a long table covered with a white tablecloth. I put out my portfolio book, a logo book, my letterhead and business cards, a booklet with some samples of work in for potential employers to take, and a few hard copies of projects I had done. Friends and family as well as prospective students are invited to this capstone event for the seniors. I had two prospective students stop by my table and admire my book and ask questions about the project. It was really nice to see the students that eager to learn about the program that they would come to this event. I think that's one of the great things about the Graphic Design major specifically, is that there are several events and presentations that really summarize what the program is all about. These are fantastic things for prospective students to see: graphic design graduates succeeding, even before graduation. At the portfolio show there are also leadership awards presented to the most successful of the graduating classes for both graphic and interior design, which is a big honor. This year, Andrew Graham and Mark Cancilla got the leadership award for graphic design. All in all, the event was very nice, the food was good, and it even led to a few job possibilities!

Now for graduation, only a mere 11 days away...

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