Tuesday, March 29, 2011


With April beginning in just two days, I'm sure senioritis has made an appearance in every high schooler's mind by now. I, myself am starting to look forward to allowing senioritis to enter my life (in about 15 days, after I finish all of my important work and can look forward to graduating college). It's a fun time in life and you get to look forward to and concentrate on the future and all that's ahead in life. For some it is scary and for others it is exciting. It's all too easy to emphasize on the scary things like: "What will college bring?" "Will I make any friends?" and other "what if..." questions.

Make sure to take time and enjoy your summer before entering college, but one thing that it is good to focus on is getting a summer job. For the average person, college is only moderately expensive. You'll need the average school supplies, plus living supplies and a laptop and printer if you're lucky. The more intense majors like Graphic Design and Interior Design will require a lot more funds though. Not only are laptops and printers must-haves, but you'll need art supplies as well. Art supplies can get quite expensive and they are required. There are also expenses for each project, at least for graphic designers. For one project I had to buy kitchen utensils (garlic press, cheese slicer, pizza cutter, egg slicer, melon baller, etc.) at the dollar store. The assignment was to make cheap products look expensive with packaging and an enhancement of some kind to the physical product (I bought cherry spray paint to make them look like they had wood handles). Some people bought more expensive products to start so they could focus on the packaging itself. For a different project, I know one person who spent about $50 on printing alone. My point is: this program takes you great places, but you'll need a little spending money on hand.

Keep an eye out for my next blog post about where all graphic design has taken me!

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