Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Positive Space

Positive Space is La Roche College's annual student art show and it's coming up this Thursday! I mentioned in a previous post that in Senior Seminar, two groups of senior graphic design students compete for a client and that one of those clients is always Positive Space. The group that won Positive Space last semester designed the fliers above, as well as the entire Positive Space campaign. As I mentioned, Positive Space is La Roche College's student art show, which means that anyone who has taken at least one graphic design course at La Roche can enter something in the show. The work students submit can be from classes at La Roche or from outside school.

This particular piece lists all the categories of Positive Space: Typography, Illustration, Multimedia, Green Design, Package Design, Interior Design, Drawing / Painting, 3D Modeling, Graphic Design, and Photography. Typography is essentially anything with lots of words (type) and the focus of anything submitted in this category would be the design of the type itself. Illustration is hand-rendered or computer-rendered drawings. Multimedia encompasses both video production and web design. Green Design is a new category this year and can include entires that have an environmentally sustainable purpose whether it's in concept or execution (environmentally conscious in ideas or actual design). Package Design is the design of products to be sold. The Interior Design category was added a few years ago to expand the show into a graphic and interior design show where the two departments could work together more closely. Drawing and Painting is exactly what it sounds like. 3D modeling is mainly focused at interior designers as well and their use of programs like AutoCAD and their scaled mockups. Graphic Design encompasses anything you can't pin down into a specific category that combines words and imagery in a unique way. Last, but not least, Photography can include black and white as well as color.

All the students get excited about Positive Space because it's a juried art show. This means that there is a specific drop off day for entries and then a few days later, a team of jurors (professional designers that don't know any of the current students submitting work) looks at all of the work in all of the categories and decides what is good enough to make it into the show and what is not good enough to make it into the show. They also judge a first, second and honorable mention within each category. The night of the show -THIS THURSDAY!- we will all find out who got accepted into the show.

Positive Space takes place at La Roche College, in the Cantellops Art Gallery from 7-9PM. There is also an awards ceremony in CC Square. If you're interested in the work that the students produce here, this is definitely a great chance to see the best of it! There will also be free food and a chance to mingle with all the current design students and even some professionals! Visit La Roche's website to learn more about the event. Hope to see you there!

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