Sunday, August 28, 2011


It's been quite an enjoyable experience blogging for La Roche. Hopefully my entries have been at least a little helpful to at least a few people. The most important thing to sum up all of my blog entries is probably the topic of communication. Communication is necessary in everyday life, but it also helps you succeed, take new chances, gain opportunities, and get further ahead in life. Communication can range from asking someone at La Roche where to find something to networking for an internship or job. While you want to be sure to have fun in college, remember that the day after graduation, you're thrown out into the real world. If you don't have a job lined up or at least some kind of plan, it can be very daunting. So for a long lesson turned short: play hard and work harder because the harder you try to succeed, the more things will go your way.

For anyone with questions about La Roche, graphic design, or life in general, who may have been reading this blog or just caught one post, please feel free to contact me. My student email is and I would be more than happy to talk with you.

To those who have just finished their first week at La Roche, good luck and best of wishes for a fun and successful school year!

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