Sunday, August 14, 2011


Caffeine is an unfortunate necessity of college life. I went into college hating coffee and I came out with an addiction to it. It's extremely important to keep good hours in college in order to stay healthy. However, at some point, most of us realize that it just isn't going to happen that way. A lot of people's immune systems take a beating while they're trying to establish a schedule and they end up getting sick. If you're surviving on coffee and energy drinks, there's a strong possibility that this could be you. Try not to depend on caffeine too long. Set a limit for yourself of one energy drink and two cups of coffee a week. The important thing is to not become dependent on caffeine to keep you awake and functioning, although most of us make that mistake at least once. Caffeine can also cause serious health problems itself. Some people are caffeine intolerant. For my aunt, consuming too much caffeine affects her vision. Caffeine can also affect your heart rate. Because it is acidic in nature, too much coffee (or too many energy drinks) on an empty stomach can result in not feeling well. If you suddenly cut back on your caffeine intake, you can get bad headaches. For some people, it doesn't take much difference to start experiencing caffeine withdrawal.

That being said, coffee is useful and it's good. The cafeteria and cafe at La Roche have coffee and the cafe keeps stocked up on energy drinks and canned coffee drinks. There is also a coffee machine underneath the library that offers coffee, hot chocolate, and cappuccino. If it's late and you're in your dorm room, you might have your own coffee maker. Another quicker alternative is instant coffee. There are many brands from the expensive Starbucks Via to the inexpensive Nescafe. Additionally, there is a Starbucks on McKnight Road. With all of these options, you're sure to always have quick access to coffee and other forms of caffeine when you need it most.

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