Saturday, November 13, 2010

Interested in Graphic Design?

My last post was about a big project called Immersions, but another large Graphic Design event coming up is the Senior Seminar presentations. Senior Seminar is a class everyone at La Roche must take and each major has its own content for the class. In graphic design, the class focuses on providing quality work for clients. At the beginning of the semester, three clients come in to the college to have design work done. The whole class divides up into enough groups so that each of the three clients has two groups of designers creating competing designs for them. Near the end of the semester (in this case November 15), there is a large presentation where all of the groups present their work to the clients and other students, faculty members, and the general public.

This year, the event has a name: The Exposition. The presentations will be at 7 p.m. but there is a lineup of events for prospective La Roche students prior to the Senior Seminar presentations. For more information on this event, please visit and please come out and see us!

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