Saturday, November 13, 2010

Graphic Design Immersions 2010

Immersions is a graphic design event held over two days where the junior and senior graphic designers are divided up into groups and assigned to compete to come up with designs for a nonprofit organization within 48 hours. Typically, the solutions include a new logo, business card, letterhead, envelope, promotional materials (such as brochures, signs and posters), and a website. This year, the junior class at La Roche was smaller so each competing group consisted of three seniors and one junior. There are typically 6 or 7 competing groups. Surely you're asking: "How can four people do all this work in only 48 hours?!" We don't sleep. Seriously. The graphic design major here at La Roche is so intense (and because of this, so beneficial!) that we occasionally have to pull all-nighters and sometimes go on little sleep.

The client for Immersions this year was the Western Pennsylvania Small Business Network. This organization is responsible for nominating small businesses that have shown great improvement and increased success within the past year. The winners are then featured at an annual luncheon sponsored by WPSBN. The winners from western PA then go on and a select group of state and country winners go on to an event in Washington, D.C.

Our tasks for this Immersion client included:
1. New logo design
2. New business system (business card, letterhead, and envelope)
3. Brochure / invitation for the luncheon event
4. Web site for the organization and the luncheon event
5. Web banner ads (at least 4 sizes)
6. Luncheon posters
7. Awards luncheon program
8. Printed sponsorship brochure
9. Postcard reminder for luncheon event
10. E-mail reminder for luncheon event
11. 1 page leave behind of your group solutions with names and contact info
12. Possible video sample for winner using nothing but images and royalty free music
13. Additional material to promote the event

As you can tell, all of us had our work cut out for us. Not only did we have to develop all of the materials listed as 1-12, but we had to print some items (printing shops have limited hours!) and come up with a few extra things that we thought would impress the client and that no one else would think of. FInally, we had to burn CDs of all of our work and create a leave behind (put pictures of everything we created on a page along with some notes about the items) for the client and our professor.

The client came in on Wednesday, November 3 at 10 a.m. and it was at this time that we found out who the Immersions client would be and what they needed. After the client presented a background of their organization, an overview of their needs, and answered our questions, it was time for each group to get to work. My group made a quick Starbucks run because we knew we were going to need it and began brainstorming for the project. As soon as we got back, we started to work and didn't stop for more than a 3 hour nap until Friday morning at 8:30 a.m. Friday at 9 a.m. all the groups got together with the client again and presented our solutions in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. Immediately following all of the presentations, all of the groups displayed the hard copies (mounted print outs) of their work and there was a short intermission as the client went out of the room to ponder over the solutions. After the intermission, the client returned and announced that it was a tough decision, but that there were 3 top groups. After naming them (who the client would like to work with to develop final design solutions for the organization), a student choice was announced as well. That concluded the events for the day, but the client is going back to her organization and meeting with everyone there to discuss the groups she chose. Following that, an agreement will be made between the La Roche College graphic design department and the Western Pennsylvania Small Business Network to have the winning students continue to work with and develop final solutions for the client.

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