Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Big Day

Well, today was the big day. Or one of them anyhow. It didn't seem like a big action at first, but I submitted my application for graduation today, along with the fee and my completed program guide. It didn't hit me until later when I was in my Portfolio Preparation class (for graphic design) and my professor gave us a timeline of when we should have the various steps of our final portfolios ready. Speaking of which, the senior graphic design and interior design portfolio show is April 13, 2011 at the USX Tower in downtown Pittsburgh. It's a great chance for prospective students to come and see what they will be spending their college career in preparation for, as well as a good environment for professional networking. It then hit me again later in another class when my professor told me there were 15 weeks until graduation. I've spent four years learning how to design and constantly bettering my skills and this is it. It's my chance to prove that I've got what it takes to be a designer and jump into the deep end of the big kid's pool. While I'm very nervous for what the future holds, I'm also a little excited.

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